Speaker Information
To contact us about booking Dr. Willis to speak at your event, click here.
Dr. Robert Willis is an informative and entertaining speaker who is honored to have spoken to various dental groups around the country including: Major dental conferences, state and regional dental conferences, dental colleges, component dental societies, study clubs, and other professional organizations. He offers leading-edge, insightful, and practical presentations in the business, leadership, and business of dentistry. Dr. Willis' extensive background, expertise, and years of real “in the trenches” experience make him uniquely qualified to share his wealth of knowledge with the dental profession.
His presentation topics include:
"Just Let Me do the Dentistry!"
"Preparing Your Practice and Yourself for the Future"
"The New Paradigm in Dentistry - 2020"
"Mastering Case Acceptance"
"Taking Control of Your Practice - The 8 Keys to Predictable Success in Dentistry”
“Paving the Way for a Fulfilling Career in Dentistry”
“Success in Dentistry from Day 1 to Retirement”
“Practice for Sale - Transitions for Sellers and Buyers”
“Cash Flow and Debt Management for Dentists”
“Assessing Your Practice and Strategic Planning”
“The Dentist Entrepreneur”
Some of Dr. Willis’ past speaking engagements include:
American Academy of Dental Practice Administration - Annual meeting
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry - Annual Meeting
American Academy of Implant Dentistry - Annual Meeting
Dental Town - Annual Meeting
Florida State Dental Meeting
Virginia State Dental Meeting
South Carolina State Dental Meeting
Three Rivers Dental Conference
Savannah Dental Society
Seattle Study Club - Piedmont
Central Ohio Academy of Dental Practice Administration
Southern District Meeting - American Academy of Implant Dentistry
South Carolina Academy of Dental Practice Administration
Western Ohio Academy of Dental Practice Administration
Pittsburgh Academy of Dentistry
In addition, Dr. Willis has spoken at innumerable study clubs and other sponsored meetings throughout the U.S.